We are an all volunteer Non-Profit 501(c)3 Kentucky corporation. We enjoy 2 primary sources of funds.
Many pickleball players enjoy the sport so much and wish to "Pay it Forward" by contributing to the education of our high school students in the sport. They know that the social and health benefits of the sport will prove invaluable to our youth as they mature in our society.
We also ask the PTO and Booster organizations to contribute to our cause so that their children may benefit from our programs and activities.
We currently have a very generous donor who is matching donations from the general public, dollar for dollar! So, each $1 that you contribute will provide us with $2 of buying power in order to provide Nets, Paddles, Balls and other equipment to our member schools.
Partners: Many of the best companies in the Pickleball industry are partnering with us to provide our training and equipment to the schools in the area. Many are providing cash, some are providing free or discounted paddles, nets, balls and other equipment so that we can, in turn, outfit our schools with our P.I.E. grants
Sponsors: Many companies, churches and other organizations believe in our Mission and are supporting us through cash and in-kind donation of products and services. Please respond by supporting those organizations whose logos you see on this site. Without them, P.I.E. would not be possible.