Pickleball In Education

Pickleball in Education Volunteers

We have no paid employees and exist only due to the efforts of our staff of Volunteers.  They wear many hats!


All of our Volunteers are experienced pickleball players who see their volunteer service as a way of paying back for the hours and hours of fun and healthy exercise that the sport has provided them.  Most of them a pickleball 
"addicts" who just can't quit thinking about their latest pickleball game!

You will love to be around this fun group!   They are Pickleball!

Phys Ed Instructor Program Assistants

These experienced pickleball players, coaches and teachers are available to assist the Physical Education Instructors in presenting the programs to their students.  They ensure that the instruction being provided  is standardized and consistent, so that we maximize the little time that we have to expose the students to the sport.

Event Volunteers

From time to time, P.I.E. produces and. or supports various events, including pickleball tournaments in the area.  Our volunteers are key to the success of those events.  Whether they serve as hosts/hostesses, mana registration desk, do behind the scene paperwork or are on court monitors or runners, they are all needed to support a well run tournament.  Our people also support the tournaments and events of our industry partners in the area.

Pickleball In Education

P.I.E. is an all volunteer, Non-Profit corporation organized under IRS Section 501(c)3. All donations are fully tax deductible.
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